Tuesday, 1 May 2007


Is money a bad thing? Is money the root of all evil? When you ask someone if they think money is a bad thing, they would probably answer no. But when you look deeper you may see that this is not as such a straight forward question as first percieved. Some people will do anything for money e.g. rob shops/garages, assault people in the street etc. so it could be argued that money is bad.

In could be argued that money can buy happiness e.g it gives you the ability to purchase expencive new cars, big houses even football teams. But are people with all of this money really happy? Money can put a great deal of pressure on people to conform to the expectations of others in their social class, and this can have serious reprocushions e.g. in the case of Robbie Williams, whose highly paid lifestyle funded his habits that put him in rehab.

So i put this question to you; Is money a bad thing?

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